Suicide prevention in the construction industry.

Be your brother’s keeper.

Construction workers are 5x more likely to commit suicide than the general population.

The construction industry faces unique challenges that contribute to elevated rates of suicide. Factors such as

high-stress environments, demanding work schedules, extended travel requirements away from existing family/friends/support system, and limited mental health resources exacerbate the issue.

The DKY Foundation recognizes the urgency to address these challenges and provide effective interventions to support the well-being of construction workers.

Our Mission

The DKY Foundation is committed to preventing suicide in the ​construction industry by promoting mental health awareness and ​fostering a supportive environment, by providing online resources, ​training and education and group mental health benefits.

Our Vision

We envision a construction industry where every worker feels valued, supported, and equipped with the tools to address mental health challenges, ultimately reducing suicide rates.

Goals and Objectives.

Building Awareness: Our Three-Legged Approach

Student Watching Online Education Webinar on Laptop
Construction Workers Shaking Hands

raise awareness

We provide our members with comprehensive online resources, specialized outreach efforts, dynamic campaigns, dedicated pledges, and educational newsletters. Our goal is to eradicate stigma, enhance engagement, and increase recognition of the risk factors and warning signs linked to suicide.

education and training

We've joined forces with Ivy Tech, Muncie Campus, to provide our members with QPR Training and Mental Health First Aid. This partnership aims to bolster suicide prevention efforts within the construction industry.

Group Mental Health Benefits

We strongly believe in the strength of unity. Our members have access to collective mental health benefits, such as Standalone EAPs and Self-Guided mental health platforms, aimed at fortifying suicide prevention initiatives within the construction industry as a cohesive unit.

Our Impact

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Charity Events

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DKY Membership Levels


Stay Tuned

Stay Tuned

Resilience Circle


Mindful Advocates


In-Kind Champions

(In-Kind Gifts)

Compassion Supporters ​$15,000

Wellness Allies


Monthly Mindfulness Pioneers

(Monthly Contributors)

Board of Directors

Staci Inskeep

InPwr Inc.

Madi Gall


Brian Inskeep

InPwr Inc.

Naomi Boone

IU Health

Melissa Scott

InPwr Inc.

Jeff Scott

Ivy Tech

Purple ribbons on people's hands for cancer awareness

Thank you to our

corporate partners:

Thank you to our major donors:

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